Reflections on Summit 2011 — A Word of Thanks

To the Staff of Summit 2011 (First Half):

Thank you to each and every one of you for all that you did. The friendships formed, the challenges overcome (session 4… enough said), the late nights and early mornings – it all will be forever remembered as the best summer of my life.

To the Penthouse Girls:

Ashley, my dear roommate: you are a joy and a blessing. I am so thankful we were roommates. You always had a way of challenging my faith even when it involved discussing relationships and the future. Thanks for always pointing me back to the Lord.

Mary Lowry, my kitchen buddy: never ever will I forget almost putting 40 cups of oil into bread. Thank you for all the conversations from the mundane and trivial to the serious and emotional ones. Confession: I want your accent. :)

Laura, my soon to be neighbor of sorts: you are such an encouragement to me. Your ability to listen and your desire to help always came when I needed it most. I look forward to seeing you soon friend!

Sash, one of my favorite Domestic Divas: your energy is always contagious. Thank you for listening and being a friend during those times I didn’t think I could make it. I’ll never forget the laughter found behind the door of the Penthouse. It was always nice going up there at night knowing I probably would get a laugh because you were more likely than not up there… doing something. :)

Rachel, whom I expect to see this fall Lord-willing: goodness, there are no words to my gratitude for having you in my life. Never will I forget going thrifting with you on our day off. That was fantastic. :) They say laughter is the best medicine… if that’s the case, I should be healthy for a long time considering how much you and Sash made me laugh.

To My Kitchen Crew:

Gabe: I never quite realized how ridiculous things that come out of my mouth sound at 6 in the morning are until I had them mimicked back to me or quoted on the drink machine. Super nast and sog…. forever in my vocabulary thanks to you. :) Ha. In all seriousness, thanks for being an amazing friend. You were always there to encourage and make me laugh. I miss the “Make Fun of Kayla” Days….

Jeremy: Oh goodness, flying potatoes and flying knives. Who could forget the day Eric Smith came down with you and Gabe to help pound chicken? :) Those were the days that even the most boring job looked epically (yes, I just made up that word…) awesome. Thanks for making my life in the kitchen always entertaining, but also for being a friend, asking how I was and wanting to know if there was anything you could do to help. Your support did not go unnoticed.

AnaLisa: So much to say and not enough room to say it. If I were to write everything on my mind at this moment, I think I’d max out my blog characters… which I think I might do anyway considering how many staffers there really are. The long and short of it is that I am so thankful the Lord placed you in the kitchen. He knew exactly what he was doing when our lives collided and you became an important part of my world at Summit. You are a blessing and I am so thankful for you, for the bad times and the good times. :)

Amber: you always had something funny to say to make us all laugh. Thank you for being such a positive spirit and an important part on the afternoon kitchen crew. You can see the light of the Lord shining in you and it is so very bright.

Hannah K, my fearless morning kitchen supervisor: thank you for being such an integral part of Summit and helping morning kitchen run so smoothly. You were such a strong leader, but also an amazing friend when things got crazy. Your support and prayers were always appreciated.

Amanda, my fearless afternoon kitchen supervisor: thanks for all your years you’ve put in at Summit. You were always organized and were always on the ball, even when something didn’t quite go right. I am so thankful for your dedication and support in the kitchen.

Molly, the now fearless afternoon kitchen supervisor for second half: you make life entertaining. end of story. You always had something humorous to say or a story to tell. Thanks for being a positive spirit on afternoon kitchen and for being willing to stay another session. You are a blessing to Summit and to me!

Hannah W: I am so thankful I got to spend some time with you this summer on our days off…. even if it did involve driving around Colorado Springs looking for Noodles and Co. Haha. Your caring spirit and willingness to help in any way was a blessing to me. I know the Lord is going to do great things in and through you!

Jacob: where to begin my friend. You always had a way of keeping life 100% entertaining and you had a knack for making the most mundane task fun. However, I always appreciated your ability to be serious and have a deep spiritual or theological conversation. Thanks for being a part of Summit kitchen!

Rebecca: your sweet spirit is what I remember most as I think back to this past summer. You always had a kind word to say and you were always willing to help with whatever needed to be done. Thank you for being a friend and a sister in Christ.

To The Downright Awesome Dishpit: 

Will: first of all, thanks for the approval. :) Secondly, thanks for being a part of Summit for one more summer. Returning staff had a way of being such a blessing to the new staff and you were no exception. You always had a way of keeping life in the kitchen entertaining with your cohorts. I know the Lord is going to work and move in your life in an amazing way this next year.

Brandon: I will never hear the word “cups” the same way ever again after hearing you scream it almost every single day for two months. :) Your positive attitude was always contagious and you always had something encouraging to say. Also, thanks for helping lead worship…. it was a joy watching you lead and seeing your absolute adoration for our Lord.

Steven: I’ll never forget attempting to hike the Incline in the rain with Kevin and Kara. Thanks for all your help in the kitchen, especially during Session 4 when Dishpit didn’t have to do much for dishes thanks to “The Plague.” Also, thank you for your encouragement and for being a great friend! You are a strong example of a man searching for the Lord’s heart. I know the Lord will do great things in your life.

Trent: “Tuh-rent.” Hah. Oh, Trent, you always had me laughing… usually it was more than just me though. You always had a way of encouraging others through your sense of humor. I look forward to hearing about everything the Lord does in your life on campus this next year. It was a blessing getting to know you and getting to go rafting with you as well! :)

Cam: I don’t think I’ll ever forget looking out the door of the kitchen and seeing you with your face on the floor after being tackled by the other members of Dishpit for your 21st birthday. :) You always had a way of just going with whatever came at you… even if it meant being dumped off at Red Mountain at some unearthly hour in the morning.


Stephen: you are an example of someone seeking to be a man after God’s own heart. Your genuine care for others and for the people around you is something that has not gone unnoticed. I always appreciated your honesty and your desire to know how I was really doing. You never let me get away with “good,” but you sought something more.

Sam: I, so very much, enjoyed being able to lead worship with you twice during each session. While oftentimes I felt inadequate not being a music major and having not sung seriously in several months, you always encouraged me. Thank you for your willingness to help on man-tenance and for doing your job, even when it require unclogging countless toilets on the 4th floor with Stephen.

Eric the Viking: First off, We Came as Romans rocks my world. :) I remember that was the topic of our first conversation… the first of many on bands and the beautiful world of screamo and Dubstep. Secondly, thanks for being such a great friend. Your care for the people around you and the grace to do it in such a way in that it’s humorous was always appreciated.

Koert: thanks for working on staff this summer! It was a blessing having you around. I appreciated your ability to have fun, make people laugh, and also have the occasional serious conversation. I know the Lord will continue to work in your life. Enjoy the second half of Summit!

Kennan: I love how small our world is. I appreciate so much the fact that you have been returning to Summit year after year. My first memories of you were not from this summer, but rather from 2008 when I was a student. It was so great to get to know you more this summer and I look forward to hopefully seeing you at Liz’s wedding in September!

Bryan: Like Kennan, my first memories of you were in 2008 when you were both on staff when I was a student. It was such a pleasure getting to know you a little bit more this summer working with you. I appreciated your genuine care for the people around you, even if you didn’t know them very well. I know the Lord is going to do wonderful things through you as you look to the future!

To The Watchers of the Night:

Ethan, my hiking and rafting buddy: I am so blessed to have gotten to know you this summer! Some of my favorite memories from this summer are from hiking Pikes Peak with you…. which involved face planting in the snow…. and going water-caving… which involved face planting in the water (I’m beginning to see a trend here…). Thank you for being such an encouragement and for being willing to have a different sleep schedule for two months while keeping all of Summit safe at night. :)

Eric the Bear: Every time I hear a radio voice, I think to myself: “Your voice is not as cool as Eric’s…” Thanks so much for being on Nightwatch this summer at Summit and for the serious and not so serious conversations we had. You are a great friend. I hope you enjoy your time in Israel! I’m praying for you!

Kendra: “FAAAANNNCYYY.” Seriously, I should just stop there. Little did we know that that was the beginning of a beautiful friendship. :) Thank you for listening, laughing and being a friend. I’m so grateful that you worked Nightwatch, because I know I couldn’t do what you did. You are a blessing! I’m already praying for you as you look to this fall and to the future.

To the Valiant Classroom Directors:

Jason: how you manage to juggle everything is beyond me. I admire your ability to keep everything organized and how you are able to wear so many hats around Summit. You were always an encouragement to me and I appreciate your willingness to help direct classroom and other areas of Summit!

Aaron: I always appreciated your honesty and your ability to make others laugh. Thanks so much for working at Summit again…. you returning staffers always had a way of rocking my world. Thank you for helping in the classroom and for keeping things organized there.

Ty: Thank you so much for returning to staff at Summit again this summer. It was a joy to be able to get to know you and it was so much fun talking to you at different points during the summer. I enjoyed meeting your wonderful girlfriend and I know the Lord has great things for both of you!

Suzanne: You not only worked classroom, but you also did the unthinkable: organized and made the Summit bookstore look fantastic! Thanks for all your work in both areas. I appreciated your willingness to listen and to talk. I trust the rest of your summer will go well and that the Lord will continue to work and move in your life!

To the Lovely Ladies of the Front Desk:

Caitlin: you have a spirit that is so willing to do whatever in order to serve others. I admire that spirit and I wish I had more of it. Thank you so much for working at the front desk this summer. It was a joy getting to know you and I trust your time at Tennessee was Spirit-filled. Enjoy the rest of your summer!

Kat: oh goodness…. where to begin. I suppose I could begin by simply saying thank you for being a friend, for offering tough love when I needed it, and for listening. You are a gem and I am so thankful to know you. Thanks for working at the front desk…. even when we had sick kiddos running down asking you for things. :) You are a blessing!

Kara: again with the lack of words…. one of my favorite memories from this summer was shopping at the Arc for an outfit for the hoe-down. Lots of laughter involved with that particular day. You always had such a positive spirit and some sort of encouragement for me. Thanks for being such an amazing friend through the good times and the bad. :)

Mish: Thank you so much for being such a blessing to those around you with your positive spirit. Despite being sick, you toughed it out and you came on staff and never once complained. I was so inspired by your willingness to serve, even when you yourself weren’t 100%, you gave 100%. Thank you for all the conversations over folding towels and for the encouragement you provided!

Joanna: Thanks for being willing to do whatever needed to be done around Summit. From working with the Man-tenance men to helping Mrs. Honken to working at the Front Desk, you were always more than willing to work wherever you were needed. Thanks so much for being a blessing in that way!

To Our Amazing Nursing Staff:

Tiffany: thank you so much for taking care of me after I fell climbing at the beginning of the summer and for taking care of all the others who were hurt and sick. Session 4 was a beast for you girls and you all rocked it. I was so inspired by how you took the sickness in stride and just dealt with it. May the Lord bless you as you move into this next stage in life!

Laura, aka–my towel-folding buddy on Changeover weekend: thank you so much for coming to staff at Summit. I love how the Lord works and I know that you were supposed to be on staff this summer. It was a blessing getting to know you. Thanks for all the work you did, particularly in session four! You girls were all rock stars!

Julianne, the fearless leader of the Nursing Staff: thank you so much for coming in after your trip abroad to work on staff! It was a joy getting to know you (and your delightful dog). Thank you for all the work you did and for the hours you didn’t get to sleep because you were taking care of sick students and staff. We appreciate your work so much!

To Our Fearless Staff Directors:

Jen: I know Summit wouldn’t be quite the same without your guidance and direction. Thank you so much for all the countless hours you put in during the summer and all the time you spend preparing for each summer. It was a blessing working at Summit and I am so thankful I got to know you!

Kevin: Thank you so much for your willingness to be the Guys Staff Director this summer! But even more so, thank you for reaching out to others on staff as well. I appreciated your encouragement and support and for your willingness to listen. I am so thankful for your friendship!

To the Inspiring Interns:

Russell: your guidance and support as a returning staffer was so appreciated by all of those who were first time staffers. Thank you for being a really amazing friend and for all the conversations we had, whether it was theological, spiritual, or relational. You always had a wise word to say and always encouraged me to think for myself.

Michelle: probably one of my favorite memories from this summer was hanging out at the airport waiting for students taking those ridiculous pictures. You are a joy and a blessing and I am so thankful for your encouragement this summer. Your friendship is something I am forever grateful for!

Hope: Between you and Amanda, when you both were around, there was usually always something humorous to laugh at. :) I appreciated your love for people and your desire to serve on staff this summer! It was a blessing getting to know you!

Amanda: Laughing is always something worth doing and between you and Hope, I think most of the summer was spent laughing at something. :) I appreciated your sense of humor, but also your ability to get serious when needed. Thank you for working as an intern this summer! I’m praying for the rest of your summer!

Andy: Thank you so much for the words of encouragement you offered any time you saw me. Your concern and care did not go unnoticed. I appreciated your willingness to do anything for anyone if they needed something done, even with your busy schedule. Thanks for organizing all the videos and working hard on those! They turned out great!

Joe: Thanks so much for being such a blessing to those around you! I always appreciated your encouragement and your willingness to work as an intern this summer! Thanks for all that you did in Mohawk and for all the work you put in on the videos!

To the Office Girls:

Meghan: First off, thank you so much for the coffee and for the time I got to spend with you on your mornings in your cabin. The conversation and the encouragement was something I will not forget. Secondly, thank you for all your work with Summit even when you’re juggling a busy schedule!

Ashley: Thank you so much for being a blessing. I remember those first few nights talking to you about life and whatever was thrown at us. You are a joy and I am so thankful for you! Thanks for all you do in the office and keeping things running smoothly.

Tosha: Thanks so much for being part of our staff this summer! It was so fun to serve with you! I am so thankful you got to work with the girls in the office. I am praying for you as you finish out your summer! May the Lord continue to bless you!

Wow… that may have been the longest blog post in the history of the world…. OK, maybe not. Long blog post short: Thank so much Summit Summer Staff for making my life so incredible this summer. You are all loved and missed. If you’re ever in the Minnesota area, even if you’re in the Minneapolis airport for a long layover, give me a shout! I’d love to see each and every one of you soon!

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