It’s HERE. I’ve been at Summit since Tuesday night and it’s been an eventful few days. We’ve been working hard to prep the hotel for the first round of students who are arriving tomorrow. Tuesday was a long day of traveling, hours of driving, dancing in the car through the sand hills of Nebraska, and endless cups of coffee later I arrived at my destination — Summit Ministries in Manitou Springs, Colorado. This is probably one of my favorite places on earth. The mountains are just beautiful and the town is flavored with all sorts of interesting characters. Immediately upon arriving in Manitou, the memories came flooding back. Racing around the downtown area taking pictures with friends, seeing Mate where I met Ben (one of the guys that goes to school with me), and then the final sight…. the hotel where Summit Ministries is located. It was like a breath of fresh air.

The next few days were filled with cleaning the hotel, making dozens of beds, and preparing mentally and spiritually for the students to arrive. We discussed small group organization, our jobs (I’m working on the morning kitchen staff for session 1… so I’ll be up at the hour of 5:30 AM…. ick), and just got to know one another. I absolutely LOVE the staff I work with. We all come form such diverse and unique backgrounds but we click so well.

I live in the Penthouse of the hotel with five other girls. I am so blessed to live with Ashley, Mary Lowry, Laura, Sarah-Ashley and Rachel. These girls have been a blessing to me and I am looking forward to growing with them over the next two months.

Saying goodnight from the Rockies of Colorado and until later…..

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